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Lost or stolen cards

The keys to your safety are awareness, prevention, and rapid response. Help yourself using your debit card, ATM card, and credit card by following the safety tips below.
If your card is lost or stolen, or if you suspect fraudulent activity on your card, please call us immediately.

For lost or stolen Debit cards:

Call one of the following Visa toll free numbers depending on the type of Debit Card.
Card type Toll Free Number
Domestic Personal 1-866-902-5860
Domestic Business 1-866-902-5861
Foreign Direct from Mexico 001-888-468-0466 or Outside of Mexico 1-866-902-5936

Debit Card and Credit Card Safety Tips

  • Please sign your card upon receipt
  • Take a companion along when using an ATM-especially at night
  • Destroy your old card when it expires or when your new card becomes effective
  • Minimize time spent at the ATM by having your card out and ready to use
  • Always observe your surroundings before conducting an ATM transaction
  • When using a drive-up ATM, keep your engine running, the doors locked, and the windows up at all times while waiting in line
  • If you see anyone or anything that appears to be suspicious at that ATM, leave the area at once
  • If an ATM is obstructed from view or poorly lit, go to another ATM
  • View your statements online
  • Remember to pick up your ATM receipts before leaving the ATM
  • Verify that your ATM/Debit Card is returned following any purchase(s) you make
  • Put away your card and cash after completing your transaction
  • Never leave your ATM/Debit Card receipts at the checkout counter
  • Check your receipts against your monthly statement to guard against ATM fraud
  • Check your statements and watch for fraudulent activity
  • Treat your ATM/Debit Card like cash
  • Keep your card out of sight
  • Report suspicious behavior
  • Never lend your card to anyone
  • Be cautious when giving out your card number over the phone
  • Keep a list of all your card account numbers as well as telephone numbers to call if your cards are ever lost or stolen
  • Choose to view your statements online
  • Monitor your online statements
  • Make sure that your credit cards contact information is in a secure place and separate
  • Verify that your credit card is returned following any purchase(s) you make
  • Never leave your credit card receipts at the checkout counter

Call IMMEDIATELY if your credit card is lost or stolen!

Additional Safety Tips

  • Memorize your Personal Identification Number (PIN). Do NOT write it on the back of your card or keep it with you. Never give your PIN to anyone
  • Do not disclose information about your card over the telephone
  • Never disclose information about your card in response to an unsolicited email or request. This is better known as "Phishing." To learn more, click on the Computer Security and the Fraud Prevention tabs
  • Make certain your Internet shopping sites are secure
  • Protect your card's magnetic stripe
  • Look for possible fraudulent devices attached to an ATM
  • Save your receipts so that you may verify all of your transactions. Report any unauthorized transactions immediately. Once you have verified all of your transactions, shred/tear up all receipts, and discard them at home
  • Shred printed statements as soon as you've verified the information

Visa Security and Fraud Prevention

Visa has launched a new website to help cardholders protect their payment card account information and avoid payment card scams. Visa's Visa Security and Fraud Prevention website provides cardholder tips with practical know-how for protecting account information and resolving unauthorized card use.

Visa Security and Fraud Prevention website includes:

  • Tips for Preventing Fraud
  • Fraud News
  • Resources for Fighting Fraud
  • How Visa Protects You

The new Visa site empowers cardholders by providing them with information on preventing fraud, avoiding deceptive marketing practices, and learning about important and valuable resources.

Check out the site today at

Visa Security Sense ay IBC Bank, Texas
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